Duck Salt & Pepper Shaker Set

Duck Salt & Pepper Shaker Set

Vintage Salt & Pepper Shaker Set
sold out

Vintage Salt & Pepper Shaker Set

Vintage MCM Salt & Pepper Shaker Set

Vintage MCM Salt & Pepper Shaker Set

Vintage Sale & Pepper Shaker Set

Vintage Sale & Pepper Shaker Set

MCM Ashtray

MCM Ashtray

Speckled Swan

Speckled Swan

Gold Swan

Gold Swan

Vintage Crystal Whiskey Glasses
sold out

Vintage Crystal Whiskey Glasses

Turkish Glasses with Gold Rim

Turkish Glasses with Gold Rim

Vintage Glasses with Amber Base

Vintage Glasses with Amber Base

Vintage Floral Etched Glasses

Vintage Floral Etched Glasses

Vintage Amber Juice Glasses

Vintage Amber Juice Glasses

Vintage MCM Drinking Glasses

Vintage MCM Drinking Glasses

Vintage MCM Glasses

Vintage MCM Glasses

Sale Price:$7.00 Original Price:$14.00
Vintage MCM Glasses With Metal Sleeve

Vintage MCM Glasses With Metal Sleeve

Vintage Green Goblet Glasses

Vintage Green Goblet Glasses

Dinner Candlestick Holders tempImageYxzh5U.gif
sold out

Dinner Candlestick Holders

Beautiful Bud Vase

Beautiful Bud Vase

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Brass and Ceramic Pitcher /Vase

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Vintage Pink Pottery Vase

Sweet Porcelain Box with Rose

Sweet Porcelain Box with Rose

Wood & Glass Bow Trinket Box

Wood & Glass Bow Trinket Box

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1950's Enamel Metal Scalloped Bowl

Vintage Metal Coasters

Vintage Metal Coasters

Vintage Trinket Glass

Vintage Trinket Glass

Mood Barometer

Mood Barometer

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Pink Glass Clover Dish

Vintage Westclox Alarm Clock

Vintage Westclox Alarm Clock

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sold out

Antique Tin Tray

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Vintage Tray
